It is my pleasure to express my sentiments regarding Neville Peter Ministries! From my experience in listening to his music through the years, it has brought
me healing, comfort, hope and has even put my mind in a frame of meditation and devotion. At other times, even if I am not attentively listening, it
just commands a respect from my being that this is of the Lord. It has become clear to me that his dedication and love for Christ is evident in his music,
as well as the life he lives to glorify our risen Lord. Personally, his ministry fundamentally rings out the theme: ‘Not I, but Christ’, from songwriter,
Fannie E. Bolton. An added bonus for me, nonetheless, is the impact it has made on my 8 year old niece, Emerria Mility. May the Lord continue to be praised
through his ministry.
With a grateful heart,
Sophia Joseph