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ForeverChristmasCDcoverWhen I was a child I looked forward to Christmas more than any other day of the year. I can remember counting down the weeks and days with anticipation. Then, on December 26th the joy of Christmas would begin to fade as everyone looked forward to the New Year and by January First most Radio Stations would go back to regular programming. A few days later people would put away their Christmas decorations. Except for the anticipation of my childhood, not much has changed. Every year Christmas comes and then fades in to a distant memory.

For many, Christmas is an opportunity for big business. For others it is an opportunity to slow down, to take a vacation to party harder than usual or to spend time with family. For most Christians, Christmas is a time to reflect on the birth of the Savior and for those of us who believe in Jesus, his birth and death on the cross are the two most significant events in earth’s history. My reason for recording this CD was to share with you, what Christmas means to me.

When Jesus walked on Earth he referred many times to his kingdom and his second coming. Jesus came the first time to restore the broken relationship between God and man. The bible tells us that before sin entered the world, Adam and Eave walked and talked with God. Jesus promised that if we trust and believe in him, we can also have the same privilege. The Bible calls this the blessed hope. Jesus said that we should look up because our redemption is coming. For this reason I choose to look forward to his coming with the same anticipation that I had as a child when I would wait for Christmas to come.

When I look at Christmas from this perspective, it takes on a whole new meaning. My prayer for you is that when you listen to this CD, the blessed hope would burn in your heart as it does in mine. Every year brings us closer to that wonderful and glorious day when sin and sorrow will be no more and truth, righteousness and peace will reign forever.

If you love and appreciate this music and wish to support it more than with the purchase of an album, now you can by leaving a donation at this link.


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