It has been almost 6 years since my last album. In 2013, at the time of my last release, I decided that I would wait a very long time before releasing another one, because Look Up, was my sixth album. To some of you, 6 years may have seemed long enough or too long, but the truth is I was planning on waiting much longer before releasing another album.
I always tell my wife that we should hold on to our plans loosely, because we never know what can happen or how things can change and in this case, things definitely changed. Not too long after releasing Look Up, I was approached by Yolanda and Schubert Palmer, from Heart and Soul Ministries and given a commission to write scripture songs for a multi media Bible study covering a range of biblical doctrines. Now with more than 100 songs and almost 6 years later, I realized that I have enough music for several albums. This one is the first of at least 2.
I am calling it By The Word, which is the title track on the album. There are 14 songs in all and they cover topics such as creation, the Holy Spirit, the Gospel, Praise, the resurrection and the second coming of Jesus. In the passed I was very intentional about including scriptural themes in my music, but now I am actually singing the verses word for word and because the Palmers wanted the listener to know where in the Bible the verses can be found, I am also singing the book chapter and verse at the end of each song as well. This is definitely the first time I have done a project like this and it most likely will not be the last.
Another first for me is the fact that each of the songs are accompanied by an orchestra. This album has more of an inspirational sound to it, a genre I never thought I would explore. The truth is that many of my first attempts at these songs were rejected because they were too contemporary sounding, but as I kept working at it, I must say that I have grown to appreciate many of these songs a whole lot more than I thought I could. Occasionally, I hear my wife and son singing these songs while going about their day and I believe you may find yourself singing these songs not too long after hearing them. Music is a wonderful tool we can use to memorize, so why not use music to assist us with hiding the word of God in our hearts? This is what I am doing and I am hoping that this album will help you to do the same. To listen to samples of By The Word and to purchase it, Go here.
Be among the first to pick up a copy of my first album, By The Word.

I love your music. It’s a blessing to me and my family. But where can I purchase a CD to have at home. I have all your other CDs. Please let me know where can I buy it from.
Hi alicia,
Thank you for your kind words about my music. At the moment only the download is available. I am waiting for the CD’s to be shipped. As soon as I get them, I will post an update on my website and on facebook.
If you don’t want to wait that long, you can click this link to purchase the download. Right after checking out with PayPal, don’t close your browser. You will land on a thank you page with the link in it to download the album.
Purchase By The Word here.
Blessings to you brother Neville.
It’s been a real blessing to receive and to listen to the monthly songs. Can’t wait to have a copy of the new album. Looking forward to seeing you in couple of weeks on your trip to Melbourne, Australia. Hope you’ll be able to bring some copies of the new album with you.
Praise The Lord my brother! May The Lord guide your footsteps. God’s time is perfect. My family and I are looking forward to listen and start singing these Biblical principles. Thank you.
Hi Neville – what a joy you have been to me and my wife Gail with your singing. Remember, I was the guest speaker in Bermuda with you for the camp meeting and we were with the youth. Great memories. I remember you sold all our cd’s, I wanted to buy one, and you said, send me your address and I will post you one – and you did. That CD made it’s rounds in my family, and you are a household name in the Sterley family in South Africa.
God bless you greatly. Brian
Hi Brian, So good to hear from you! How wonderful it is for me to find out that my music has been a blessing to you and your family all these years.
One day, I hope to visit your country. I have heard that it is very beautiful. Please say hello to your family for me since I am a household name.
God bless you brother.