My parents came to see you at church for a concert. The music was a blessing to them. I was going through a really hard time in my life then so my mom got me the album Look Up. I listened to a couple songs but my heart really wasn’t in the right place so the music had no effect on me. If anything I didn’t really care for it. My mom actually asked you to pray for me when she met you. I want to thank you for all the prayers… it’s been a while since then, God has brought me from desert to streams after much heartache and bad choices. This last weekend I pulled the CD out of my center console (after a LONG time and a new car, the CD was kept and moved) to give it another try since my life was now so different and I fell in love with God. Immediately the music blessed me. I’ve been listening everyday since, the same CD. God is good and gracious, faithful and hears our prayers. I can’t thank you enough for praying for me when you did and for allowing God to use you as a vessel for beautiful, uplifting music. Amen.