Inspiration Behind the Music

Our Heavenly Father only intended for us to know the result of evil, not to experience it. We should be very thankful that Adam and Eve’s choice to sin did not take God by surprise. A plan was already in place from the beginning to ensure that there would be a way of escape from the penalty and the power of sin. But what is sin? The only definition given in the bible is that sin is lawlessness or the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). The law has a great purpose that many overlook. Without it, we would never know when we are drifting off the path of righteousness. (Romans 3:20) For centuries, the law was passed from generation to generation by word of mouth, but because we have the tendency to forget or to distort the facts, God wrote them in stone and made a covenant of love with Israel.

Not only did he write it down, he spoke it in the hearing of all who were assembled at Mount Sinai that day. Mount Sinai was the first mountain where God met with his people. There, he proclaimed his love for us and promised to show mercy to those who keep his law. Here we see another purpose for the law of God. It serves as a boundary to keep us safe from corrupting influences. It also gives us greater insight into the character of God and shows us how to reflect his character to others. In short, God’s law teaches us how to love him and how to love one another. True love grows. It never stops growing and as it grows it brings greater revelation of God’s goodness. If Mount Sinai was the first mountain where God revealed his love for us, the second would be Calvary.

In (I John 4:8) and in (I John 4:16) we read that God is love: not that he is loving, but that the very essence of his nature is love. However, at times we witness God dealing very harshly with transgressors of his law. Have you ever wondered why if God is so loving, how could he do such things? The reason is that love cannot exist without justice. David describes the harmony between love and justice this way.
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face.”
Psalms 89:14 NKJV
Justice exists to safeguard the peace and harmony of the universe, but there is no need for justice when God’s law of love is kept. Only when the law is broken is justice needed. History reveals that Israel broke their covenant of love with God over and over again, but God, determined to demonstrate his love and the perpetuity of his law, met with us at Mount Calvary. It is at Calvary that we see both God’s love and justice on display.

On the cross Jesus took the penalty for our sins upon himself. He carried the guilt and shame of all the sinners of the world from ages passed and ages to come. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. It is God’s desire that we repent, turn from our rebellion against his government and be reconciled by his love. (II Corinthians 5:19) He is not against us, it is us who are against him (Romans 8:7). Every time we choose to sin we demonstrate that we are not reconciled to God completely. I urge you to take a deeper look at the cross. Allow your imagination to dwell on each point and it will break your heart. When we consider the kindness of God, repentance will follow. (Romans 2:4)

We have seen God’s love revealed on two mountains, but there is one more mountain we need to talk about. It is the mountain that all who have been reconciled to God by his love look forward to with great anticipation. It will stand for eternity as a monument of the love of God. All the inhabitants of God’s universe will behold it and remember what sin has done to our Savior. I am talking about Mount Zion. There, in humble adoration, the redeemed will bow before the feet of their redeemer. All will be completely reconciled to God and the sin that disrupted the peace and harmony of the universe will be gone forever. As eternity continues, there will be greater and still greater revelations of God’s love, but for now we see him revealing his love to us on the two great mountains of Salvation history. As we wait for God’s love to be revealed on the third mountain, let us keep ourselves in his love.

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2 thoughts on “a Tail of three Mountains

  1. Thank you so much Neville, this song fits perfectly in to my devotional reading in Maranatha by E.G.White where Mrs White currently focuses on how wonderful it will be in the presence of Jesus. While the two mountains are vital for our salvation, it’s the third mountain that provides us with the blessed hope. We must dwell on heavenly things so that we are not dragged down and deceived by this world and its temporary glitter. This song points me in the right direction, praise the Lord for this song, brilliant Neville, as always.

    1. Hi David,
      Glad this song and the devotional was a blessing to you.

      Can you share this link with those who you believe would enjoy this song and the devotional thought? You can share it however or where ever you like.

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