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Inspiration behind the music

In Mark 7:32-37, a deaf man is brought to Jesus for healing. Jesus took him aside and after putting his fingers in to his ears and touching his tongue, he spoke to him. The first words this man heard were, “be open”. From his birth this man had been isolated in a world of silence. Now he would be exposed to the bias and opinion of others. There were many opinions about Jesus then as today. Some are not even sure that he existed, to some he was just a nice guy who walked the streets of Palestine and to others just a historical figure. However, to believers he is Savior, Lord and the desire of all ages.

when the rich young ruler heard Jesus say that he had to sell all he had and give the money to the poor and then follow him, he was not open minded enough to see the blessing in this commandment and he went away sorrowful. Are we making the same mistake today? How many times have people traded the peace and eternal life that Jesus offers for sorrows? Even many believers when faced with the decision of turning away from what they treasure the most, they go away sorrowful. Why, because they are not open.

God wants to reveal himself to us in ways that we have never seen him before. He wants to do in us and through us what we cannot do for ourselves. If we truly want to have this experience, we will have to be completely open: Open to his leading, open to his word and open to his will for our lives. Like the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus will require us to let go of worldly things and we may not realize the significance of what he is asking us to do at the time, but if we’re open we will be willing to follow him no matter where or how he leads. The words Jesus spoke to the deaf man more than 2000 years still apply to us today and we would do well to heed them. It was after reflecting on these words, the song Be Open was written. It was written to encourage myself as well as you.

this song is now available here.

5 thoughts on “Be Open

  1. Neville,
    thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to minister to me through your music. Be Open is a inspiring song that helps me remember who God is and that he can be trusted. May God continue to bless you with inspiring music.


  2. What a pretty song. Thanks for touching my heart with your music. I truly look forward to listening to your music and being blessed by it. Your music speaks to me about the truth of the Lord. Very powerful. Thank you.

  3. this is an interesting song. I do agree that we need to be more opened to the lord or keep our hearts and minds opened. sometimes we are busy and we don’t remember or we turn away and harden our hearts because to us or some of us it’s the wrong season of life to us. at one point when you were singing about the best or something like that it reminded me of the cain and able story. we’re told not to bring our cold nasty leftovers to god but the first fruits and the best. the inspiration was also quite interesting. it is true amen!

    1. there is so much that God wants to reveal to us, but many of us are so stuck in our ways and in our traditions that we do not hear his voice or recognize his leading. This is why it is so important that we study the Bible God’s word that we may have his direction in our lives. when we surrender our lives to him completely and submit ourselves to be led by his word, when we choose to live by every word, then we will be led into all truth and his truth will set us free.

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