If you enjoyed this song, you can own the full recording by clicking here.

Inspiration behind the song

When I was a child, I would let my imagination take me to places that I could never go. I would imagine myself being the person that I always wanted, but perhaps could never be. I would try to imagine what outer space looked like, what the face of God looked like, what it would be like to walk on the streets of gold and to hear the angels sing. Now, even though I’m grown, I still find myself trying to imagine things that are too dificult for finite minds. Am I the only person that wonders what forever is like? This one thing I know, it is more than just a long time. Since time always has a starting point, it doesn’t take long to arive at the conclusion that God transcends time. the Bible says in Micah 5:2 that Jesus the son of god came from everlasting. I understand the prophet to be saying that the Godhead is everlasting in every direction. He goes to infinity backwards and forward. Hopefully, I’m not confusing you. I’d better move on before I confuse myself.

How could someone never have a beginning? How is it that he has all knowledge and can be every where at the same time? How is it that he can know my thoughts long before they come into my mind? How can his mercy endure forever and yet still not clear the guilty in judgement? How can he be perfectly just and perfectly merciful even though it seems like those two principles are on opposit sides of the spectrum? After contemplating these things, King David exclaimed that these things were too wonderful for him and that he could not even begin to understand the depth of the knowledge of God. It has been more than 3000 years since david passed off the ceen and in spite of all the knowledge we have aquired in science, technology and understanding the universe we live in, human beings are still grappling with these questions.

I am deeply saddened at the realisation that many have relegated what they don’t understand to the relms of impossibility. In other words, what they don’t understand or cannot conceive simply isn’t real. The argument goes something like this, if there is a God, then why would he do this or allow that? My answer to these kinds of questions is who is he among us that has all knowledge? The Bible asks us the same question in Job 11:7. “Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?” For me the beauty of God is partly in the fact that he cannot be fully understood. Not even eternity can exhaust his resources. This is what will make eternity so wonderful. Better than living forever, better than traveling to unknown worlds, better than the streets of gold or any mantion is the reality of having eternity to become more and more like our creator. If eternity cannot exhaust him, then it is safe to say that he is too wonderful, too marvelous and much too beautiful for words.
He is able to do exceedingly above what we can ask or think, because he is eons of lightyears beyond what the brightest minds amung us can conceive. He is beyond imagination.

this song is now available here.

23 thoughts on “Beyond Imagination

  1. Truly a beautiful song, the lyrics cut straight to the heart, I truly enjoyed it!!!!

  2. Very true and inspiring song, indeed there is so much to marvel about God, so much that our minds can’t fathom about him, what a mighty God we serve…

  3. Simply Beautiful bro, it’s soothing and nicely put together. Does make you think about his awesomeness and it truly is beyond imagination. Thanks for the Blessing once again Neville, God Bless.

  4. This song and the inspiration behind it, is powerful.God bless you Psalmist Neville.My regards from Nigeria.

  5. Greetings from Laos in SE Asia! God is truly Beyond Imagination. That was beautiful! Thank you for writing songs that cause me to sense that the Holy Spirit is behind them. I love spiritual reminders in song (especially soulful ones!)! May God bless you as you continue to share the gospel in song.

  6. Thank you for putting God’s love so beautifully in words and music. Simply beautiful: “How can it be that He valued me over heaven.” Wow! I am overcome. God bless you.

  7. Amen my brother,

    This love spoken about Father is of the Holy Spirit Rom 5:5

    His love and blessings

  8. God is definitely a conundrum; I love the way He can boggle my mind and the way He clears it. I, for one, am glad we are still grappling with the concepts of God being so many seemingly contradictory things at the same time. I’m so very glad there’s a Being so kind and caring, Who knows infinitely more than I ever will and makes it His mission to look after me. It makes me feel safe.

    Your song sounds beautiful, I look forward to purchasing the full version.

  9. So much of God’s Revelation has taken place in a short span of time; we had better keep our hearts and minds focused on the Lord, lest like a thief in the night we will miss His purposes for our lives. God is preparing an army of witnesses to boldly proclaim His glory and salvation to unbelieving masses, more now than ever before! He is breaking away the things of this world from those who hunger for Him alone.
    As in the days following the flood, He said to go out and proclaim the love, mercy and justice of our Savior.
    Man stubbornly stayed together and turned from God to making idols of ourselves and our accomplishments. How quickly He dispersed those at Babel and how quickly He will disperse the church in America today for the same reasons. Instead of sharing the love of God, we have become hoarders of this unbelievable sustenance. Like pirates we keep the gold of truth and bread of life from a starving and ever darkening world; we have taken the truths and have become the Pharisees of present day. One wonders the discipline our Father will use to turn our dead and meaningless lives into lives proclaiming His glory and His alone!
    He is raising His army and that army is proceeded in it’s march by the musicians. What glory it is to sing and praise the God most high and lead the way!
    Following Jesus is not for the faint-hearted!
    Bless you for giving glory to God!

    1. Amen sister!!!, please pray for me, Wyman Kingsley is my name and 2017 opens the way for door to door ministry and creates opportunities for the Holy Spirit to witness.

      And thank you brother Neville for sharing the gift the Lord has bestowed upon you

      Jesus love always

      1. I will pray for you, Wyman Kingsley as I hope you will pray for me and all others, who feel the urgency of God.

  10. This song is so peaceful and the melody takes you playfully up and down like a dance of a heart in a better place.
    And the lyrics “How could it be? He valued me over Heaven!”, “Both the shepherd and the lamb” and “Why would any King let me sit down on his throne?” get you thinking…

    “He is far beyond what we can ask or think” really made me wonder about God and touched my heart. God is way more than we can ask for: so good is He!

    Thank you for this song, Neville. I appreciate it.

  11. Praise God for the gift He has given you and the meditations of your heart as you lie in bed, are at the piano and in travels to various places to share this precious gift of God with those who are in need to see God’s awesome majesty and splendor. He is a God who alone is worthy to be praised and honored.

    Stay true to Him and there will be a reward of singing with angelic beings who excel in love, strength, and glory.

    Blessings my brother in Christ,


  12. Beautiful song! Thank you for sharing what inspired you to write this. You’ve touched on things that many of us have thought of — and made those thoughts beautiful because He is “beyond imagination.”

    1. He is “Wonderful”
      [17] Then Manoah said to the Angel of the LORD, “What is Your name, that when Your words come to pass we may honor You?”[18] And the Angel of the LORD said to him, “Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?”

  13. That is a beautiful song and the questions you raise are some I think most of us have asked. Won’t it be wonderful to have them answered in heaven. Thank you for your ministry. May God bless you.

  14. Beautiful! words to contemplate. God is beyond our imagination.

    “Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.” (Ecclesiastes 8:17)

  15. Well said, Neville. Beautiful song! Your music fills my soul with worship! Praise Jesus!

  16. I have wondered many of the same things. God is truly amazing!

    Each day brings new hope and joy at the thought that Jesus Christ, our Saviour is returning soon. It’s hard to wait as we see the world spinning out of control, but His word says it would, so we have wisdom in the prophecy of the Bible.

    Neville, thank you for the beautiful song and words behind the song. To God be the glory!

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