Inspiration Behind the Music

Our Heavenly Father’s greatest desire for his children is their best interest. Loving our children and doing what is best for them, even to the point of sacrifice comes naturally to most people. After all, we were created to love and be loved. This is why Jesus said in (Luke 11:13) that we know how to give good gifts to our children. No loving father gives his children everything they want, but he will always give them what they need. So it is with our Heavenly Father. Sometimes he will give us what we want, but he always gives us what we need and he always knows what we need.

I am in need of a lot of things, but what I need the most is the holy spirit. I am very thankful that all we have to do is ask and according to Jesus, our Heavenly Father is much more willing to give his spirit to all who ask him than we are willing to give good gifts to our children. Why is our Heavenly Father so desperate to give us his spirit? The reason is that it is only through his spirit that we can experience his love, receive revelations of his goodness and most of all be born again. We cannot abide in him or grow in grace except through his spirit. Every blessing that our Heavenly Father has for us comes through his spirit. No wonder Pentecost and the years following were so extraordinary. The sick being healed and people rising from the dead was normal to the early church. Today, if any of the events witnessed by the early church were to happen, it would be all over the news.

So then, why aren’t we having the same success in our day that the church had when it began? I believe one of the reasons is that we have lost sight of the fact that without Him, we can do nothing. (I John 15:5) We have become self sufficient. We even have special tests to determine our spiritual gifts thus eliminating the need for personal revelation. We have lost our first love. We don’t realize our need. So how do we get to the point where we begin to realize our need? One of the solutions to this problem is in remembering the great commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20.

How do we fulfill the great commission? There are places in our world where most people have never heard the Gospel and the population of the world is growing in leaps and bounds. This is an impossible mission. We simply cannot do it. But why would Jesus give us an impossible mission? The reason is so that we would remember that all things are possible with him. It is not by our might or by our power, but only by his spirit. (Zechariah 4:6) Unfortunately, we have way too much faith in our own abilities and not enough faith in what God can do through us and so we continue on trying to fulfill the great commission in our own strength.

On the night of the last supper, Jesus told his disciples that he was going back to his Father, but he didn’t leave us without hope. In fact he left us with several promises we really should keep in mind. He promised that the works he did we will do also and even greater works we will do if we believe. (John 14:12) He also promised that even though he is with the Father, he will come to us. (John 14:18) I am understanding Jesus to be saying that to be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be filled with his power, his love, his goodness and all the other wonderful attributes of his character.

I want to see the great commission fulfilled in my life time. I want to leave a legacy of righteousness for the world to see. I want to do greater works than Jesus did when he was on the Earth. I want my life to testify that I have been with Jesus and that he is living in me. I want unbelievers to know what my Heavenly Father is like by the life I live. Don’t you? If the feeling is mutual, then you will understand why the writer of this song asks over and over for the Holy Spirit to fill him. This song is my prayer for myself and also for you.

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Monthly Music Subscription
Monthly Music Subscription
The Monthly Music Subscription from Neville Peter enables you to get a monthly email, which will include two digital files (one song and one karaoke of the same song). Use the contact form link to ask any questions. Remember your Primary email is needed.
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Yearly Music Subscription
Yearly Music Subscription
The Yearly Music Subscription from Neville Peter enables you to get a monthly email, which will include two digital files (one song and one karaoke of the same song). Use the contact form link to ask any questions. Remember, your Primary email is needed.
Price: $35.00

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3 thoughts on “Fill Me Now

  1. Every Day Brother, Fill Me Now, I especially like the Better Promises we have In Jesus of the Holy Spirit abiding within forever, this truly is Salvation, the Holy Spirit is Eternal, promise and love that never ends, amen

    John 14[16] And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; [17] Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

  2. Dear Brother Neville, thank you for your beautiful arrangement of this passionate gospel song! Your music is such a blessing to me!

    The Lord Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). James tells us that with the Father, “there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17 ). The shadow mentioned refers to a sundial. At noon the dial casts no shadow. God is always at the peak of His power! Let us not be shy about expecting miracles in our day. Miracles are happening all around. They don’t get press because our press heavily censors itself! For example, check out what God is doing through Christ for All Nations, which is headquartered in Orlando FL.

    God bless you!

  3. It’s a powerful rendition you made. I like the tempo and the rhythm which complemented your soulful vocals. Enjoyed it much.

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