Because our world is filled with so much misinformation, lies and deceit, it has become very difficult to trust anything. This is unfortunate, because the need to trust is a very basic human need that holds humanity together. With out it everything falls apart.

Have you ever been lied to? Do you remember how you felt once you discovered the truth? Yet still, you took the risk and decided to trust again. Perhaps the issue where your trust was betrayed was small enough to forgive and you got over it. You were able to keep moving on. But as you and I know, the greater the issue the harder it is to move on and it becomes very difficult to trust again.

In Numbers 23:19 There is for me one of the Bible’s most precious promises. Men may lie occasionally or maybe more frequently than is acceptable, but God says that he is not like us. Truth is his very nature.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, but how did he do it? He spoke. The reason why we can trust God is because whatever he says happens. There is creative power in his words and since he is the ultimate essence of perfection, he does not need to change his mind.

I can trust someone with that kind of power. You can to. This kind of trust makes loving him very easy.
Why not begin trusting him completely right now? Here is a promise to remember.

Numbers 23:19 (NKJV) “God [is] not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

6 thoughts on “God Cannot Lie

  1. Praise God 🙏 and thank you brother as Numbers 23:19 adds to the power of His daily promises in this earthen vessel of honour I amen Romans 9:21
    Showers of blessings
    Hallelujah 🍇 🕊 🤲🎼

  2. Every prayer God will answer, sometimes the answer is wait, sometimes the answer is not what you want but what you need. Many times God answers before we pray.

    How would i know the person who stole my delivery if i wasn’t at the front door and there was no camera. Well God said wait. After 2 weeks an routine property inspection led to a flat where part of packaging was on floor.

    1. So glad that you were blessed by this devotional thought. Please help me get the word out about it by posting this on the social media networks of your choice and by emailing it to your friends. In these times, we all need to remember God’s promises. Stay tuned, more are on the way.

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