I remember being told many times by my parents to wait. I also remember how waiting felt. It seamed like an eternity, even though the wait may not have been that long. Learning to wait when we’re children helps us to be patient adults. It seams like the older we get, the more we must learn to wait.

If we are diligent, perhaps we can shorten the time that we must wait for the things in our lives that we can change like getting a good education or making the amount of money to match our desired standard of living. But what about those things that are out of our control? What about those things that we desire that only a miracle from God will bring? Could waiting on God teach us the same lesson and create in us the same endurance required to be mature children of God?

I Believe so. I have been waiting on God for a very special desire for quite some time now. About a year ago, I began to feel that the answer to my prayer was right around the corner. I was very certain that by now I would have my desire, almost as certain as the sun in the sky. At times it was as if I already had what I’m asking for. Well, I am still waiting and even though it is now a year later, my faith that God will fulfill this desire is stronger now than it was then.

What are you waiting on God for? Does the wait seam like forever? Is it taking way too long? When you find yourself feeling this way, remember this promise. The fulfillment of this promise may be just what God is working on in your life.

Psalms 31:24 (NKJV) Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the LORD.

3 thoughts on “God Will Strengthen Your Heart

  1. Amen brother Neville 🙏
    I believe waiting of YHVH is a part of His sanctification to us in giving us the circumcision of a heart of flesh..
    Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I AM ELOHYIM

  2. Amen and thank you for your encouraging emails! Wait on the LORD, He is faithful!

    Happy Sabbath!

  3. Greetings Brother Neville!
    Thank you so much for this post. I’ve just recently returned from 5 weeks long journey to the Homeland, with destinations in both East and West Africa- and back & forward again. Passing through several international time zones, depending upon the direction of the of the flight; clock time could be accelerated or decelerated relative our relationship to the proximity of the sun’s light. Hmm, I thought, there just has to be some object lessons here.
    Your devotional thought about waiting, got me to thinking about Isaiah 40:31, Romans 8:25, Peter 3:8, Psalm 40:1, Philippians 44: …, and I realized that as my prayer partner would say, “the blessing is oftentimes in the delay.”
    Waiting (while working towards a specific objective), James 2:26, teaches us patience/longsuffering, (one of the fruits of the Spirit), endurance, perseverance, industriousness, resourcefulness, tenacity, endurance, determination; It provides us with the opportunity to access God’s wisdom on the matter. His knowledge and understanding far exceeds our own. His ways are not our ways… Isaiah 55:8-9.
    Though the flight may have seemed as though you’re sitting still for an extraordinary length of time”, we were all nevertheless, catapulting though the air at nearly 600 miles per hour towards a specific destination; irrespective of the direction of travel, the time zones, or our position to the sun’s rays. One of the object lessons here for me is that though it may appear that things are not moving at the pace in which you think they should, with regards to your ministry goals; just press on and know that God is in control; He is perfecting your character in a way that instant gratification never could. He is working everything out; in His time and in His Way.
    “…Wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14

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