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Inspiration Behind the Music

There is so much joy in loving and the joy expressed is reflected towards all the parties involved. However, love and the joy that comes with it also require great sacrifice. No wonder Paul said in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus endured the cross because of the joy set before him. Has anyone ever thought about the joy that was set before Jesus and wondered what that joy was? In the days of ancient Rome, the cross was the worst way that anyone could die. It was the cruelest forms of execution, but nothing could keep Jesus from his joy. Paul gives us an idea of the joy that was set before Jesus ten Chapters earlier in the book of Hebrews. He says that in order to bring many sons to glory, he had to be made perfect through suffering. (Hebrews 2:10)

According to this verse, you and I were the joy that was set before him. For this reason, we should never doubt his love. We should never find ourselves wondering if he will ever stop loving us or caring about us. Jesus looked through the suffering of the cross and saw you and even while you were yet a sinner, he died for you. (Romans 5:8) The cross is a universal testimony of the love of God for fallen humanity. Since there is no greater sacrifice, no repentant sinner is out of the reach of God’s forgiveness. His robe of righteousness is perfect and our sins cannot soil it.

I heard a story once about a man who became very discouraged because of his many failures. He loved God and he did what was right, but every once in a while he would find himself falling short. Afterwards, he would go to God in repentance and ask for forgiveness, only to repeat the same mistakes again. He decided to go to his pastor for reassurance, because he began to wonder if God could still love him. Just when he had finished talking, the pastor’s dog walked into the room. The pastor looked at the man and said, “You see this dog? He is special bread. He doesn’t shed; He is toilet trained and never makes a mess. He comes when I call, sits when I tell him to and never gives me any problems.” Just then, the pastor’s 1 year old son walked into the room. “You see this little boy?” He asked”. When he eats he always makes a mess. He is a very bad sleeper and sometimes he keeps my wife and me up at night. When he goes to the bathroom, he goes on himself and either I or my wife always has to clean him up. My dog never makes a mess on the carpet, but my little boy almost always does. Now which one do you think I love more?” obviously the man understood the pastor’s illustration.

Yes God hates sin, but he loves you. As this song says, “you are the joy that was set before him. He loves you and is faithful to finish the work that he has started.” He doesn’t do anything half way. Whatever he does, he does it completely. He is able to keep you from falling, (Jude 1:24) but if we stumble and our faith falters, we have an advocate with the Father: Jesus Christ the righteous! (1 John 2:2) Paul said that he pressed towards the mark which is in Christ. (Philippians 3:14)Pressing is a very good word to describe the Christian walk, because if we are all pressing, we should expect resistance. Our adversary the devil will resist us and our flesh always clamoring for attention will also resist us. But Jesus is able to make you and I complete in every good work to do his will. (Hebrews 13:20-21) This promise doesn’t leave any room for doubt, because he says every good work. When the mark seems too far away, keep pressing. If you find yourself growing wary on the road to Glory, keep pressing. If you feel tempted to doubt his love because of your imperfections, keep pressing and before you know it, you will hear his voice saying, “well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” We are the joy that was set before him and he is the joy that is set before us.

3 thoughts on “Pressing Towards the Mark

  1. Praise God ! Thank you brother for sharing with us another beautiful song! The inspiration was a encouraging message. I’m thankful that God will complete what He has started in us, and for His forgiveness along the way. His love for each of us is matchless and real. May God richly bless your family and your ministry Neville!

  2. Wow, Brother Neville. What can I say? I got this song in my inbox on Wednesday, & had been so busy prepping for an upcoming trip to Ghana, that I’ve barely come up for air. It’s now Friday nearly noon. Been up since 3A.M. paused to read the thought & hear the song. This written inspirational message and corresponding message in song are so incredibly deeeeeeeeeeep; so timely. Right on time; right in time. Like right this very present moment timely. You know, these songs that God gives you to sing to us, have to be listened to several hundred thousand or so times until each beat, Word, rhythm, melody and nuance permeates every atom of our being and our hearts, minds and lives become harmoniously in perfect synchrony with Him. Keep on loving the Lord as you do, because it inspires us all to love Him more. Giving thanks for you, your family & your ministry.
    Have a blessed, joyous and glorious Sabbath !

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