Inspiration Behind the Music

We are all God’s children, but we have not yet fulfilled the purpose that God had in mind when he created man. In (Genesis 1:26-27), we are told that God made man in his image. God not only intended us to reflect his image, he also intended that we would be like him. That’s why the passage above says that we were created after his likeness. The more that Adam and his companion Eve learned about their creator, the more they would become like him. God’s intention was that they would never know anything less than his ideal for their lives. When Eve was tempted, the knowledge of evil seemed intriguing and mysterious. She was warned about what would happen if they disobeyed, but since she had never experienced evil, it seemed desirable to her.

Now even though we have experienced the tragic results of knowing evil and our world is continuing to degenerate, we humans still choose our own way rather than trusting in the one who created all things and knows all things. The irony is that most of the time, we tend to believe that our way is better than God’s way. Even when we suffer for our bad choices, still we tend to put our own wisdom above God’s will and many hope that one day we will become wise enough, rich enough or strong enough to solve all the problems of our world.

Thankfully, God had a plan to rescue our world even before Adam and eve decided to experiment with evil and it was put into place as soon as they sinned. With the knowledge of evil came the loss of their innocence and purity. Their likeness to God was replaced with the carnal nature which we all have inherited. They gave up their likeness to God when they chose to know evil and as a result they had nothing else to pass on to their offspring except their carnal natures. This is the reason why sin looks good, feels good and is more natural to us than righteousness. We know that the carnal nature did not come from God. In fact, God is its enemy and it cannot be subject to the will of God. (Romans 8:7) The devil hates God and his law and by getting Adam and Eve to sin, he was able to have his nature reproduced in their children. This is why the apostle Paul said “The law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.” (Romans 7:14)

But what does this brief history have to do with this song? My answer is that God has made a way for us to become his children again. We don’t have to continue the cycle of desiring a higher standard, abhorring evil only then to fall into sin and suffer its consequences. A natural birth means that you and I were born in to sin, but Praise God we can be born again when we receive the gift of his spirit. Everyone who receives his spirit and is born again knows that God is our Father because we have been adopted into the Heavenly family and His spirit bears witness that we are His children. (Romans 8:15-16)

If you are trusting in Jesus Christ for your salvation and you have received the gift of his spirit, then you are a child of God: not just physically, but also spiritually. You can have the privilege of becoming like him again. In fact, everyone who maintains this kind of relationship with God through his son Jesus is predestined to be conformed to his image. (Romans 8:29) Now we are children of God, but we are still growing up into his likeness. We don’t know exactly what we shall be, but we know that when he comes, we will be able to see him as he is. (I John 3:2) The longer we live, the more we become like him and when we finally see him face to face, we will be just like him.

When Adam took his first breath and looked up into the face of his creator, he was perfect, but he still had much to learn about God and there were higher and still higher heights of perfection to reach. Likewise, even when we are finally united with our creator and we are freed from the carnal nature that we inherited from Adam and Eve, we will continue to become more and more like him and since God is infinite, we will have eternity to explore the fathomless depths of his love and righteousness. This is our hope and we are certain that this kind of hope will not leave us disappointed.

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Monthly Music Subscription
Monthly Music Subscription
The Monthly Music Subscription from Neville Peter enables you to get a monthly email, which will include two digital files (one song and one karaoke of the same song). Use the contact form link to ask any questions. Remember your Primary email is needed.
Price: $2.95

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Yearly Music Subscription
Yearly Music Subscription
The Yearly Music Subscription from Neville Peter enables you to get a monthly email, which will include two digital files (one song and one karaoke of the same song). Use the contact form link to ask any questions. Remember, your Primary email is needed.
Price: $35.00

6 thoughts on “Sons of God

  1. Beautiful Neville the gift of the Holy Spirit alive in you from Jesus
    Galatians 3:[26] For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

  2. Amen! Amen! All must be honest and see that it is only sinful self that separates us from God and robs us of His beauty. Wholly thine oh Lord. Wholly thine oh Lord. Wholly thine this is my vow. ??

  3. I really love this song brother,

    To see Him as He is, is to be also in His likeness as He is for all eternity, Praise God!!!

  4. Beautiful song, message and truth with hope. Thanks for these melodious blessings.

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