Inspiration Behind the Music

The Greatest Miracle

what is a Miracle? According to the Farlex Dictionary, it is “an event that appears to be inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be super natural in origin or an act of god.” The more secular society becomes, the more skeptical people are of anything that even resembles religion. Sometimes I find this kind of skepticism amusing. In my humble opinion, those who deny that there is a god and believe that everything can be explained by the laws of nature, need to be reminded that scientists still don’t know everything about the universe and how it works. Could it be that the conditions under which many of the laws of nature can be broken are still waiting to be discovered by scientists? If so, then it is not wise to be too dogmatic about what we think we know about natural law. In spite of the vast amount of knowledge that is still yet to be acquired, secularism continues to grow and skeptics are becoming more and more dogmatic.

I have never witnessed a dead person coming back to life and I could not even begin to explain how something like that could happen scientifically. The only thing I would do, if I were to witness a resurrection is to happily acknowledge that it happened and then rejoice with the family members of the one who was restored. I would not even try to figure out how it happened. Believers don’t have to explain or know exactly how miracles happen in order to accept that they do happen. That’s what I appreciate most about trusting in god. If he is powerful enough to speak this world in to existence, then certainly he is able to walk on water or defy any of the laws of nature. Miracles still happen today, such as the young lady in the About Miracles documentary who was able to raise thousands of dollars for her mission trip by selling religious books door to door with a deadline of only a week or the time my five year old brother fell off our roof and survived it without even one scratch. the skeptics would say that these were just coincidental events, but because our Heavenly Father has given us so much evidence of his love, it would not be right to say that he had nothing to do with them.

Even though the skeptics often dismiss supernatural events, there is a certain kind of miracle that they cannot deny. These are the greatest miracles of all and they happen all the time. As this song says, they are too obvious to see. the prophet Jeremiah asked this question in Jeremiah 13 23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
He is saying that just as people cannot change the color of their skin and just as the leopard cannot change its spots, people who are evil by nature cannot change. We are very familiar with this principle, but today it is expressed in this way: “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” How true is this statement?

There are many in this world who have turned from sin to righteousness. I remember before I began to trust in Christ as my Lord and Savior, I had a mouth like a sailor. After I surrendered my heart to him, I can’t even tell you when I stopped cursing. I just know that I had a fowl mouth, but now not only has my speech changed, I have a real difficult time if someone uses bad language in my presence. when I think about my passed life of sin and when I consider how different my life is today, all I can say is that its a miracle what god has done. the bible says in Romans 8:29 that god has predestined believers to be conformed to the image of his Son. Now consider the purity, holiness and righteousness of Jesus and yet the bible says that those who believe in him and behold him constantly are being transformed into his image from glory to glory. If you are a believer in Jesus, you can and should expect this miracle to be taking place in your life even now as you read this blog. I know I’m not there yet, but I am certain beyond a doubt that he will complete what he started. As this song says, the greatest miracle of all is happening to me. Is it happening to you?

You can own a full recording of this song by clicking on this link.

5 thoughts on “the Greatest Miracle

  1. Wow! Just beautiful!! I can’t wait to hear the rest of this song. I, too, believe in miracles. God bless you, sir and continue to do what you do!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement and testimony Neville. I’m blest by your post.


  3. Awesome! a wonderful song bro. To be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit is truly a Miracle. Seriously, Great work bro, Praise God.

  4. Thank you so much for this ministry. Whenever I read and listen, there is a message for my heart. Thank you for reminding me about the invisible miracle of a “changing life,” the work of the Holy Spirit on the inner man. May God continue to inspire you by this same Holy Spirit.

  5. The documentary you mention is available at my public library. I checked out the DVD and first “met” you there and heard your music. What a blessing it has been!

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