Carry You

First verse
You’re on the narrow road, but I’ve been with you all along. The race that you’re running is not given to the strong.
I know sometimes you’re weary and faith is hard to find.
You feel you’ll never reach the finish line.

But, that’s when I carry you.
That’s when I carry you.
I have kept you through the storm
you have never been alone.
I’ll carry you yes I will carry you.
When the road is much too hard to make it through.
I will carry you.

Second verse
I’m with you when you’re hurting.
I know how hard you try
to bare your heavy burdens.
I hear you when you cry.
I know sometimes it’s easy to believe all hope is gone
when there is no more strength to carry on.

but, , that’s when I carry you.
That’s when I carry you.
I have kept you through the storm
you have never been alone.
I’ll carry you yes I will carry you.
When the road is much too hard to make it through.
I will carry you.

You may not understand what’s going on.
You may not have the strength to be strong.

But, that’s when I carry you.
That’s when I carry you.
I have kept you through the storm
you have never been alone.
I’ll carry you yes I will carry you.
When the road is much too hard to make it through.
I will carry you.

yes, that’s when I carry you.
That’s when I carry you.
I have kept you through the storm
you have never been alone.
I’ll carry you yes I will carry you.
When the road is much too hard to make it through.
I will carry you.

If you find that the lyrics written here are slightly different from what you hear on the recording, I recommend that you go with the recording. If you don’t own a copy of the recording, you can find it in the store on this website.

8 thoughts on “Cary You lyrics (from the CD Look Up)

    1. My music is my living, so it is not for free. If you enjoy the music, then in order to keep the music you love around, purchase it when you have the money. By doing this you’re helping me to keep the music coming.

      1. Neville your music really bless me. This Carry You song reminds me of a poem- Footprints In The Sand.

  1. Neville your music really bless me. This Carry You song reminds me of a poem- Footprints In The Sand.

  2. Neville , this song will always be my personal favorite ,although I love all your songs . I thank and praise God for your music .

    1. Hi Dina,
      Thank you for your kind words. I am very glad that this song has been a blessing to you. It has been a blessing to me as well. God gave it to me when I was going through a really rough time in my life.Looking back on it now, I guess I should thank God for that rough time, because out of it came this song and He used it to bless many more people than myself.

  3. I had the pleasure of purchasing & rendering this beautiful song. The first time I heard it was at my son’s high school graduation. I was blessed to have the artist grace us with this piece. An overwhelming feeling came over me & I started crying as he sang. I couldn’t stop. I was reminded that, as my son & I walked our own separate journey towards that point that God literally carried us. Sitting there listening to the song, it was as if He was saying to me, “Regardless of what comes your way, know that I’m always there.” As one of the previous comments said, I love ALL Mr. Peter’s pieces, but this one really made clear where God was along my journey on this path we call ‘life’. God’s continued blessings to you, Mr. Peter (cousin Neville), as you share your ministry to all the world. ?

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